Monday, 01/07/2024,

<a href="/new-policy">New Policy</a> New Policy

According to the policy of arranging administrative units at district and commune levels and developing urban areas in Bac Giang province in the 2023-2025 period, Bac Giang province will merge Yen...
The People's Committee of Bac Giang province has just issued a Decision approving the construction zoning plan of Song Mai - Nghia Trung Industrial Zone, Bac Giang province, scale 1/2,000.
Correcting the implementation of child drowning prevention and control; promoting non-cash payments for pensioners, social insurance and unemployment benefits; focusing on implementing the Plan to...
Strengthening the management of radio frequencies and equipment; regulating a number of criteria and indicators for advanced new rural communes, new rural districts, and advanced new rural...
In recent years, Bac Giang has always been a province with impressive economic growth, one of the leading localities in the country in terms of economic growth. To achieve those achievements, in...

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Tổng số truy cập: 2,076,179